Tuesday, July 1, 2008


This heart-warming article about the logistics ship 'JetLiner' which is currently deployed to ferry troops between KKS and Trincomalee, told from on-board by Ranil Wijeypala and published on the SL Navy's website is worth reading.

"...Pitch darkness was engulfing the entire Trincomalee harbour as the clock ticked midnight switching us to another date. Except for the rising moon and a few essential guiding lights, there was no other source of lighting to see what was going on there.

A sound akin to the humming of bees indicated that the place was fully crowded despite the darkness, but it was difficult to get an idea about the numbers. Thick darkness had covered them, except those who were exposed to the lights switched on to guide them to this specific location.

A mixture of Security Forces personnel and policemen in their uniforms were resting on their huge baggages till they got a signal to board the ship to start the voyage to Kankesanthurai.

After a weeks long vacation with their beloved ones and after waiting for days at a transit camp they were eagerly awaiting to start their voyage to Jaffna peninsula to report back to their duty..."
[More.. http://www.navy.lk/index.php?id=873]


Anonymous said...

Is there a way to write to the owners of this blog privately? I mean some form of "contact us" or an email?

TropicalStorm said...

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