Saturday, October 6, 2007


SL Navy today(07) destroyed another LTTE arms carrying ship, in the high seas south off Dondra Head, Defence sources said. the attack took place in the Indian Ocean in the high seas off Dondra Head off the southern coastal tip of Sri Lanka. According to available information SL Naval task group comprising Off Shore Patrol vessels "SLNS Sayura", "SLNS Sagara", Fast Attack Vessel "SLNS Suranimila" and Rendezvous vessel 521 were engaged in the Naval elite operation.

Defence observers say that with this is another major achievement, by the Navy incapacitating LTTE's international arms fleet. Under the present command the Navy has been able to destroy seven arms carrying LTTE ships so far. Defence observers attribute the unprecedented success of the Navy in destroying large LTTE ships to the steps taken by the present Navy command to enhance naval intelligence activities.
[Source: ]

It was only last year that the EU identified the tamil tigers as a serious international threat due to their ability and involvement in weapons, drugs and human smuggling and support of other terrorist groups around the globe. At that time the EU expressed its willingness to work with the SL government to identify, interdict and destroy tiger sea going assets. This international cooperation may have played a major role in the SL Navy's successful actions this year. Nevertheless, it was the bravery and the commitment of our naval and intelligence personnel which alone accomplished the goal of destroying the tamil tiger arms supply capability on international waters. The Sri Lankan Navy stands as a capable blue water maritime force which has proven itself to the world in no small measure.

Images of the naval ships involved in this operation area available on earlier pages of this site. Simply follow the 'older postings' link at the bottom of each page.

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The Difference is unmistakeable

The Difference is unmistakeable