Friday, April 6, 2007

Inshore Patrol Boats - 36 units


Anonymous said...

SLA is going down, IC can seei eveything. LTTE was born out of your discrimination and jaelousy of tamils. We were always sepearte from you, SL is a failed state and everyone can see this. The economy is in ruins and the high cost of living people are leaving. NOt great

Anonymous said...

SLA is slamming the tamil terrorist baby-killers, and that pisses off the tamil economic refugee population, whose livelihood abroad depends on keeping the war alive in Sri Lanka. But now the international community knows who's who quite well, and that's why the tamil organizations world wide are being watched carefully by the host nations. THere has to be a good reason for all those arrests of tamils in so many countries, confiscation of computers and documents of tamil organizations, deportations etc. OF course the tamils would claim that the world is against them, when it is they who are against civilizations. baby killing barbarians are going to pay the price. tamil e-lam pussy capitan velu shits his pants three times a day when he hears about the SLA coming for him.

The Difference is unmistakeable

The Difference is unmistakeable